Reply To: TV compatibility report thread



    Panasonic TC-P42UT50B

    240p x2: YES (including SNES!)
    480i passtr: YES
    480i x2: YES
    480p passtr: YES
    1080i passtr: YES
    1080i x2: YES
    All the other modes: NO

    Unfortunately nothing changed since firmware 0.76 in this TV. But as a plasma TV I still highly recommend this one for the great response time and almost no blurring effect with fast scroll images compared with LCDs and LEDs. Personally I still prefer this one over the Samsung 4k that I also have, even it supporting very few modes as I showed above.

    OSSC fw. v0.77


    NTSC Sega Genesis using SCART “raw boosted sync” cable from retro_console_accessories. I get 480i with Sonic 2 (2 players screen) adjusting H-PLL Pre-Coast=3 and H-PLL Post-Coast=3.

    NTSC SNES Mini modded with RGB Amp from retrofixes, using SCART csync cable from retrogamingcables. To get it working flawlessly, I adjust Analog sync LPF=30MHz and H-PLL Pre-Coast=0.

    NTSC Sony PS2 Fat using SCART luma sync cable from retrogamingcables (and also tested with genuine component cable, with same results).

    NTSC Sony PSP 2001 using genuine component cable.


    SAMSUNG UN40KU6300GXZD (4k)

    Most of the modes works now in this TV (including SNES fully working!). Here the exceptions:

    480i in Line3x (laced)
    1080i in Line3x (laced) and Line4x (bob)

    No need Onkyo receiver anymore, works directly on HDMI port of the TV.

    TV firmware version at the moment: 1169

    OSSC fw. v0.77


    NTSC Sega Genesis using SCART “raw boosted sync” cable from retro_console_accessories. I get 480i with Sonic 2 (2 players screen) adjusting H-PLL Pre-Coast=3 and H-PLL Post-Coast=3.

    NTSC SNES Mini modded with RGB Amp from retrofixes, using SCART csync cable from retrogamingcables. To get it working flawlessly, I adjust Analog sync LPF=30MHz and H-PLL Pre-Coast=0.

    NTSC Sony PS2 Fat using SCART luma sync cable from retrogamingcables (and also tested with genuine component cable, with same results).

    NTSC Sony PSP 2001 using genuine component cable.