I have a Panasonic VT60 that is quite prone to image retention – a small price to pay for Panasonic plasma’s awesome picture quality 🙂
To reduce this when viewing content in 4:3, the panny has an option to change the sidebars from black to various shades of grey. Using the brightest shade of grey means that there is virtually zero IR. When the sidebars are left at the default black setting, the IR is noticeable after an hour or so of use.
Would it be possible to offer something similar on the OSSC? In order to get the correct AR when using the OSSC, I have to set the VT60 to 4:3 mode. There doesn’t seem to be a way to get correct AR when the TV is in 16:9. I’ve spent hours and hours playing around with the advanced timing tweaker in order to get some decent settings for 4:3, so I’d rather not have to start over again in order to explore these options for 16:9. Either way, I would still need to be able to control the colour of the background of the OSSC.