“Are You Sure?” option when saving profiles

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      Apologies in advance if this has already been requested.

      So earlier this year I’ve started utilising the profiles feature and imported the firebrandx profiles onto my ossc. So now I have around 5 profiles that I switch between depending on what console I’m using. Sadly on several occasions, I’ve accidentally saved (rather than load) a specific profile thereby overwriting the existing profile settings. And then I have to go through the whole process of loading the correct profile onto an microSD card and then loading them into the OSSC. Is there a way that the “save profiles” section can have a simple “Are you Sure?” so that everytime someone accidentally selects it (thinking that they are loading a profile) they are warned if that’s what they really want to do?

      Thanks in advance.


        While it’s a legitimate feature request for sure, just want to make sure you’re aware of the hotkey profile-loading method: press the “10+” button on the lower left of the remote control followed by the number button corresponding to the profile you want to load. Doing it that way makes it unnecessary to use the “load profile” function in the settings menu entirely, avoiding your stated issue. That said, I’ve also ran into the opposite problem that you had: loading a profile when meant to save one, losing all the customized settings I had just tweaked. So I agree it’d be a useful safety measure. Maybe a “press 1 to confirm” when saving and a “press 2 to confirm” when loading.


          Ah! I was not aware of that HotKey 🙂 Thank you for sharing that.

          Yes, You currently get a “Press 1 for Y. 2 for N” option when updating the firmware so it would be the same thing as you stated. If that could be implemented on the Save/Load profiles then I suppose that would help us to avoid unnecessary changes to our profiles. Will be trying out the profile hotkey from now on though 🙂

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