Chances for a sturdy case for OSSC

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      Is there a chance that at some point someone starts producing a sturdier case for the OSSC than the stock acrylic plates?
      I saw this copyright-infringement:

      But after searching the web there seems to be just nothing. I’m not that talented in crafting these kind of housings with lots of custom holes for all the connections.

      I’d like to have a case which covers more of the PCB because of my children having very small and fast fingers 🙁


        Yeah I’d love this too. There are people who have designed 3D printed cases. I’m sure if you look about abit you’ll find one. I’d definitely buy a case like this.

        (by the by, why is this ‘copyright-infringement’?)


          The OSSC logo is our copyright.

          We’re looking into some things, a metal shell might be too expensive especially considering OSSC is now not the cutting edge option any more.


            Oh I see, yeah I can see why that’s an issue! In terms of construction I guess it doesn’t have to be metal. But personally I’d like a heavier case so it doesn’t slip and slide as much (maybe I should just suction cup it to something!), and something that keeps the boards more tucked away.


              These cases are all 3D-prints….. Anyone got one of these?

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