I have a Commodore 128 (NTSC) which has an RGBI 80-column display port, 640×200 I believe is the resolution. I am using a CGA2RGBv2 from GGLABS to convert RGBI to RGB, and have that connected to OSSC.
At first the image didn’t look great.. the sides of the text characters looked cut off. And there was some jitter going on. After reading about other RGBI computers/consoles I started playing with H. active, H. samplerate, and Sampling Phase settings. Playing with these in addition to setting 240p/280p Line4x mode I have a nearly jitter free image and characters are the proper width – it looks great.
My question is.. how do I know what the optimal settings are? Any other settings I should look at? And I don’t really understand what I am changing, I’m just trying stuff until I get a good picture 🙂 The wiki has some information, but any guide that really describes video signals and what I am tweaking in depth?
I am using Dell 2007FP monitor, with an HDMI to DVI cable out of the OSSC.