Direct control over side of mask instead of general V/H masks

NewHome Forums OSSC, OSSC Pro and DExx-vd isl OSSC – Feature Requests Direct control over side of mask instead of general V/H masks

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  • #11153

      In a lot of games on the OSSC, the overscan area is not central on each side. While I can mask both sides using the board’s vertical and horizontal masks, it is not ideal a lot of the time, requiring either cutting off content or leaving an overscan area on one or more sides. It would be helpful to have a direct control over each side’s mask, as that would make it easier to fix issues with these games.


        I’d like this feature also. I specifically need to be able to control the top mask independent of the bottom mask (snicker :-)). My TV can only achieve correct AR in Lx4 optim mode with the game screen pushed a few lines outside of the display. So if I could mask the top only, it would be (almost) perfect.

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