Hi all. I tried my Dreamcast via OSSC when I first got it and to be honest it looked pretty bad using 576i/480i. I bought a Toro box then because someone recommended it to me and it looks so much better in 480p using it. I’m using SCART from the Toro to the OSSC, but there’s just one thing, what way do 16:9 games work?
I have Rayman 2 which is a 16:9 (anamorphic) game, however it has black borders on both sides of the screen. Even if I change it to VESA 640×480@60, it still has borders which are smaller but they’re still there. Is it normal to have those borders on Dreamcast games?
Also it looks clearer using DTV (720×480) but that might just be the sampling phase. I’m just wondering if it’s normal to have that aspect ratio with borders is all. This is what it looks like in 640×480
![Rayman 2](https://image.ibb.co/kmSRH0/20181114-163823.jpg)
EDIT: I changed the image and exaggerated the brightness because the other one was too dark.