Force 240p output from 480i sources

NewHome Forums OSSC, OSSC Pro and DExx-vd isl OSSC – Feature Requests Force 240p output from 480i sources

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      That is, if the OSSC detects a source as 480i, give the user the option to force the video to output as 240p instead of bob-deinterlacing to 480p. This option would be useful for 240p video sources erroneously converted to 480i after being run thru another video processor (like that Lindy composite/s-video to component adapter). This might not be straightforward to implement though, since the firmware would have to re-enable Line3x and above for these “forced” sources.


        This feature would also be awesome for faux 480i games like MM9 & 10 on Wiiware and such.

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