Is there a Switchless Region Free, 50/60hz mod guide for the Sega Genesis 3?

NewHome Forums Repairs and Upgrades Is there a Switchless Region Free, 50/60hz mod guide for the Sega Genesis 3?

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      Hi i just imported a Genesis 3. I think it’s a VA1 and want know how i can mod it for Region Free/50hz support? Also plan on installing a V1 GOAC Triple Bypass, Recapping with the Console 5 kit aswell the 32X, SVP, CD Audio mod. But for some reason, i cannot find a Region Free, 50hz modding guide for the VA1 Genesis 3. Can anyone help? I have a programmed PIC16F630 chip laying around. And i hear that the CD Audio mod is not needed when installing the Triple Bypass. Is that true?

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