No Audio From OSSC 1.6 Component

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      I tried a few 3.5 speaker cables with my Xbox Original component but getting no audio from it. I tried the switch on both positions and turned the volume up to max and still have no audio. RGB works perfectly but having no luck with audio from component.


        (Mostly copying my response from another recent thread with essentially the same issue)

        A few things come to mind:

        • Is the TX mode setting set to HDMI? This should be the default for OSSC 1.6.
        • Is the firmware version shown on startup 0.78a? This is the first firmware to support audio on OSSC 1.6.
        • Can you make sure you have plugged the 3.5mm audio jack to the correct audio input (A1 out/A2 in)?
        • Can you try setting the switch to the other position, just in case?
        • Can you try another device connected to the OSSC to see if any sound comes through?
        • Can you try with another monitor/TV to see if this might be a compatibility issue with this particular TV set?

          Now I am getting no audio from any device, RGB and Component. Did me trying to turn on the switch break the audio on the unit? And it’s on TX mode, on 78 firmware. I know it was in the right audio jack.


            Oh wait I know why the audio died. I tried to update the firmware and didn’t notice I grabbed the version without the audio option. Need to make room on my SD card and reflash it.


              Yes, you need to use an audio enabled version of the firmware. The newest one still seems to be 0.78-aud (shown as 0.78a on the OSSC LCD).


                Okay now I got audio working on the component. I had to hit the switch for audio, I just didn’t figure it was working since I tried updating the firmware at the time and accidentally removed the 78A version I had. now everything is working and I am happy. Thank you.

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