No Signal (possibly related to sync issues?) – SOLVED!

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      That’s to bad

      So there is no other option for my TV then?
      Do You think mebe the framemeister is the answer for me?
      Or can a original super famicom do the job?


        I don’t think a mod is not optional for me

        You think I get the same problem when using a framemeister?


          I don’t know for sure if the Framemeister is a solution. I remember vaguely, that the Framemeister had some issues with a multinorm modded PAL MegaDrive/Genesis because of its out of spec refresh rate output. But i don’t know, if it has been fixed nor if it’s the same with a modded PAL SNES.

          A Super Famicom or NTSC SNES may work – at least if it’s a refresh rate issue. There’s a mod board from ‘borti4938’ that switches between 50Hz/60Hz (and switches between the appropriate PAL/NTSC oscillators too), which could be helpful for your PAL SNES (again: if it’s for sure a refresh rate issue).


            His PAL SNES already outputs the correct frequency (60.08Hz) so a NTSC SNES is not going to work.

            Try to set TX mode to DVI and check if 256×240 optimized mode works better that way. If its blurry then you need to adjust sampling phase.


              When setting tx mode to dvi it still flickers and my sound is gone
              I got a 5.1 speaker set hooked up to my TV with optical cable

              Can there mebe in the future be some sort of software update for the ossc that fixes this problem?

              Also I can’t play my Nes and n64 with the ossc
              That’s I big disappointed for me


                His PAL SNES already outputs the correct frequency (60.08Hz) so a NTSC SNES is not going to work.

                Thanks for clearing that up. I wasn’t sure at all… just had some memories about problems with off spec refresh rates with some multinorm modded consoles in the back of my head.

                Can there mebe in the future be some sort of software update for the ossc that fixes this problem?

                If the problem is related to your TVs inability to deal with some resolution/refresh rate combinations, there won’t be any firmware update fix for it… since the OSSC isn’t designed to convert refresh rates nor to output customized resolutions.

                But you should do a counter check with a different TV or monitor too, to make sure your TV and not your OSSC is responsible for this behavior.


                  I got another philips full HD TV from about 10 jears old this one has many scart and hdmi inputs
                  and on this TV I can hook up al my systems as nes snes n64 ps1 > ps4 wii etc

                  If I try the ossc on this TV with my snes on 60hz it will work just fine on Linemult mode 2 > 5
                  Mode 4 looks best

                  So I can conclude that my newer philips 4k just hates old consoles
                  and never gonna let me play them properly as I want on 60hz


                    And this jitter mod you guys talk about
                    Is this 100% guaranty that it will fix the refesh problem?
                    And what are the costs of this
                    I live in the Netherlands so I have to send my console to someone?
                    If so mebe I also can let my Nes and n64 mod to rgb as well


                      There is no guarantee that it will fix the problem. You can try the test suite firmware for the OSSC where you can test 480p@60.50Hz output to your TV. If that video mode works on your TV then there is a big chance the de-jitter mod will make it work.

                      VideoGamePerfection has an installation service here:

                      Alternatively the XRGB framemeister won’t have this issue.


                        I’m gonna try this asap
                        and hoping my TV supports these tests

                        Can I just leave this test firmware on my ossc when I’m done with these tests?

                        If I have further questions when trying to test I hope you guys will answer them 🙂


                          Ok so I downloaded win32 disk imager and write the test firmware to sd card and installed on the ossc

                          Then when I select test 1 > 5 I got the gray test patern on my TV

                          When selecting test 6 > 10 I got the moving checked flag on my TV

                          Is this the correct thing i want to see ?

                          So when I give my snes the de-jitter mod will I be able to play it on 60hz?

                          Hope to hear from you guys


                            Your TV supports all the different refresh rates and also lineX1-5 at 50Hz so the de-jitter mod should make SNES work at 60Hz.

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