NTSC-J Japanese vs NTSC-J Hong Kong PS2 Hz timings

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  • #45756

      Hello there,

      recently discovered that a modded PAL PS2 console actually has a worse clockspeed than an NTSC Console.

      I checked this for Rayman 1 (PS1 game to be: 59.41hz on modded console compared to NTSC Console: 59.82hz

      Does anyone know if there is a difference between a NTSC-J console from Hong Kong & 1 from Japan ?

      The reason I’m wondering if it’s different is because in Hong Kong, they use 240V50hz standard for their power circuit whilest for Japan it’s not.

      I’m just wondering, if I can mod chip a NTSC-J Hong Kong PS2 and still get the same hertz as NTSC-J (Japan) and NTSC-US.

      I know there is this dfo dual frequency oscillator Mod you can do but I rather not bother with it.


        All NTSC consoles have the same timings.


          Is there a way to fix the timings on a mod chipped PAl console? To get 59.94 or 59.82 in my case specifcally.


            On the PS2? Not sure, I know DFO works on PS1.


              If you got access to homebrew like freemcboot you can use this to boot PS1 games in the correct video format.


              Not sure if this would help or not.

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