Optimized modes on the OSSC Pro

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      One of the things that has occurred to me is that while the OSSC Classic has a handful of optimized modes (e.g. 320×240 optim.) as a subset of its different scaling factors, on the OSSC Pro it seems there is instead a list of predefined and already named sampling presets, without the ability to add custom presets but only altering the parameters of existing ones. At the same time as it’s powerful, it also feels a bit unnecessarily locked down.

      This can be confusing when using a system that isn’t already listed. For instance, with 480i/576i are there already optimized presets for the PS2’s 256, 384, 512, 640, and 720 pixel modes in the list? Are there equivalent ones for 240p/288p? Can I add an Xbox 1.6 NTSC square pixel optimized mode for 480i?

      I’m just worried that the OSSC Pro isn’t as flexible to set up and optimize as it could be. If so, I hope future firmware upgrades will make it a bit more customizable. 🙂

      • This topic was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by Zacabeb. Reason: Spelling
      • This topic was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by Zacabeb.

        It’s definitely possible to enable custom modes, but some thinking is required on how they should be organized and applied. Should there e.g. be a couple ‘custom’ slots in each mode group or a single list of selectable custom presets loadable (from SD) like profiles? Would the latter enforce a selected mode regardless of its group or more intelligently override normal selection if it matches input well enough? These are just some of the many questions that need to be solved to keep things managable and avoid overcomplication.


          The simplest solution I think would be files containing optimized modes for a specific system that the user could download or make and put on the SD card. Those would simply append the list under its existing structure. This would also allow for generic custom modes to be added easily if desired by the user.

          As far as the structure goes, it could be useful to quickly switch the optimized mode for the current input signal, with only the relevant options shown. As you mention, that could lead to confusion. But as the OSSC Pro like the OSSC Classic already has a steep learning curve, I don’t think it’s making things more complicated so long as the feature is explained well. 🙂

          With the large amount of systems for which there could be optimizations made, a repository of optimized modes could be set up and the user be able select and download ones for the systems they have.


            An additional thought: a custom optimized mode could contain entries for target 4×3 and 16×9 PAR, as well as desired compromise 4×3 and 16×9 PAR for integer scaling mode.

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