OSSC 1.7 How do I get a specific output resolution?

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      Is there a way to get a 1.7 OSSC that is modded to support FW 1.09 output at specific resolutions? I have a Fangor portable monitor I am trying to play GameCube games with a Wii on the go. I know the non Pro OSSC is not and does not have a scaler, as it’s just a line multiplier.

      Anything the OSSC outputs is just smashed into the top half of the Fangor screen with almost no color. I have been forcing the Wii to output games at 480p with the OSSC set to linemulti 2x to get, I assume, 960p output. the OSSC providing 480i, 480p, 960i, and 960p all has the same problem on the monitor, but having my computer output 960p 60hz to the monitor works perfectly fine. Is it possible to see the exact resolution the OSSC is outputting?

      I also have a OSSC Pro on the way, but I was wondering if I can do it with the OSSC 1.7 as it is more compact.


        You’re correct you can’t output a specific resolution only multiples of resolutions. The 960p the OSSC outputs is quite nonstandard but 480p is just basically passed through, so I can’t see why that wouldn’t work.


          At first I thought the monitor only took 1080p, and nothing else worked well, but it took 1280x960p from my desktop without issue, but had the problem when I used 640x480p.

          I tried going into the 240p Test Suite and set the OSSC to Line 5x for, what I assume was, 1600x1200p, but it also just smashed it in the top half. Fine with the same resolution from my desktop though.


            If the monitor has HDMI input it should accept at least 480p. If it has a DVI input, it might not be able to accept 480p as it doesn’t know what to do with the timings. When outputting 1280×960 from your computer the timings will be very different from the 960p of Line 2x 480p from the OSSC, even though the active resolution is theoretically the same.

            So using passthrough for 480p with the OSSC is the only solution so long as at least that works.

            The OSSC Pro should be able to solve the problem though.

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