OSSC Monitor Refreshing / Goes Black for 3s

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  • #18804

      Ive recently switched to an OSSC and using it for a while but theres been a problem since day one

      When outputting from my OSSC, with my monitors (including the new one I just got as well) it just refreshes every 15-30 mins, going black for about 3 seconds and showing the hdmi output label on the monitor.
      Whilst however it doesn’t do this at all on my XCapture-1

      I tested it separately and directly connected the OSSC to the monitor and it still has the same issue

      Wii Component set to 2x
      N64 RGB set to 4x (Xcapture-1 cant handle 5x)

      Monitor im trying to use is a BenQ GL2450HM
      Had the same issue on my Asus VE248H


        Updated to the latest firmware
        reset all settings to default and only put on line 2x for my Wii

        its still doing it, and when it happens I hear a pop sound in my headphones?

        Someone please help =/


          I’d have said this was potentially a bad OSSC, but you say it doesn’t do it when connected to your capture card?


            yeah only on the monitors, it still does it with VGA as well

            happens every like 20 mins – 1 hour usually just refreshes and goes black for a few seconds

            this is a big problem for me :/ cause I speedrun stuff on Twitch and its really important for the image to not drop out

            nothing is wrong on my capture device, it never drops or anything


              Well this sounds strange. Have you made sure it’s not the HDMI cable? I.e. use the cable going to capture card to the monitor instead. I was also thinking if the input setting on the monitors is something like Auto (ie it will search for inputs), try setting it manually directly to HDMI instead (or VGA if you’re using a passive converter).


                Im testing it with VGA instead of HDMI today using a powered HDMI to VGA converter to see if there’s any difference


                  how are you splitting the signal between capture card and monitor?


                    its not split currently, its using passthrough

                    the thing is though it still cut out with HDMI without even being plugged into my capture device

                    still does it even with powered vga conversion


                      Are you sure the capture card doesn’t lose a few frames? To see if it is the OSSC losing sync press the info button and let it stay at the screen with “Vmod” on it. If the OSSC will lose sync then it will exit out to the main screen.

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