OSSC PAL Dropouts

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  • #45981

      Hi everyone, hope you can help with this. I’ve read dozens of existing forum posts and tried just about everything I can find, but I’m still getting video&audio dropping out at random.

      Here’s my set up:
      Phillips 50pus7334 LCD
      Kaico OSSC
      PAL Dreamcast using ‘packapunch’ Scart
      PAL PS2 using component

      The dropouts are random but frequent. It happens playing in progressive or interlaced on every game I’ve tried. There’s no red light on the OSSC, it stays green during the dropout.

      The PS2 works fine using the same component cable direct to the TV, bypassing the OSSC.
      I also have an NTSC N64 connected with a ‘Packapunch’ scart that doesn’t experience the same problem with the OSSC.

      Any ideas? Thanks.


        Which mode do you use? 5x? 4x?
        Reset your ossc settings and set output to passthru and than check if the dropouts happens again. (for testing purpose)


          Passthru is the only option that gives a decent image. Severe flicker or a ‘not supported’ message from the tv on all other modes. I’ve reset the settings.


            Ensure that your Dreamcast timings are set as per the wiki.


              Thanks, I’ll take a look.


                Since the light stays green on the OSSC, I think it means the OSSC didn’t lose sync. It may be a TV issue, did you try it on another tv set?

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