OSSC v1.xx series beta firmware

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      For me 15 profiles get loaded and their names are then shown under load/save profile options. There does not seem to be any changes from defaults in them, though. That is also seen in imported json output.


        Yep, that’s what I want. I need to redo all profiles anyway as I use the OSSC as bridge on the Morph. So really just need the names.

        I just tried flashing the .bin file on Windows, but that made no difference either.

        Is it normal for the OSSC to become unresponsive when it says “X slots loaded”? I used that same 2GB card to update to 1.10 just a few days ago.


        I think my OSSC is v1.6. I did the wire mod for 6x 240p and I also did the mod for DIY latency test if that makes a difference.

        • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by Konsolkongen.

          It’s strange since your picture shows 7 profiles getting loaded even though the file clearly has full 15 (even though last 8 are not named). The unresponsiveness is a bug that will be fixed in 1.11 (out soon). Board revision and mods should not be relevant here.


            The 7 profiles loaded was an earlier attempt where I disabled the rest of them on the website. Sorry for the confusion :/


              Maybe it was my USB SD Card reader. Tried another one and now it worked 🙂


                That’s really strange if it did selectively omit some data portions from the image.


                  v1.11 is now out:

                  * Extend Lumacode support to NES
                  * Add 480p/576p Line3x mode
                  * Restore settings export function
                  * Add display compatibility options (ADC/FPGA PLL BW, HPLL2x)


                    I upgraded to 1.11a tonight on one of my OSSCs. I am getting a lot of capture drops and audio pops.

                    My other OSSC running 1.10a doesn’t seem to be dropping the capture or having audio pops.


                      Are you sure you’re comparing to 1.10 and not 1.09 or earlier? 1.10 brought in Lumacode which requires tighter sampling tolerance which can reduce compatibility, but with v1.11 that can be reverted by setting ADC PLL BW to medium.


                        Hi, would it be possible to release the 1.11 firmware in JTAG format? I’m getting “Invalid format” with SD cards and I don’t have any smaller than 32gb


                          Firmware 1.11 fixed all my issues with sync on ps1 and ps2 (@480i). Thanks marqs!


                            Thank you marqs for the continued OSSC support! I just received mine from VGP a week or two ago and I have already updated the firmware twice (to latest v1.11a now). Much appreciated!


                                I did check for it last night and found you had uploaded it. I was able to successfully update the firmware. Thank you!

                                Patrick Sestak

                                  thank you marqs for continous improving the OSSC and making this Device even better!

                                  please don’t stop and continue your great work…

                                  what I’ve noticed with your latest 1.11 changes and implementing 640/768p 3x support, is that everything works great wit Consoles PS2/Wii etc. but on my side, there are problems with VGA Input and 640×480 on my 3dfx Voodoo 5 Setup.

                                  The Picture in this Mode is way off and about 20 to 25 percent are cut on the left and right side of the screen, regardless what settings I use.

                                  Do you have a VGA setup and have a look? I’ve tested in all modes with and without AntiAliasing.

                                  Another very nice to have, would be the implementation of 400p VGA mode auto detection as described here


                                  this would make your little Baby THE near perfect Device for Me, cause I’m doing a lot of DOS Stuff!

                                  again, lot of thanks for your efforts and sorry for my English 🙂


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