OSSC v1.xx series beta firmware

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      Also I’m not sure if you saw my 2nd post above Marqs. Was just curious.

      I’m not sure how adding vertical bars on top of (possibly suboptimally) sampled screen would help. They would need to be present on the source.


        Version 1.06 of the firmware has been added with the following new features

        * fixed occasional freeze when no sync is present for a prolonged time
        * added shadow mask presets (A-grille, TV, PVM)

        The v1.xx series firmware is pretty much complete now and will just receive bug fixes from now on.


          I may have not been very clear with my explanation. I meant that it would just ignore part of the incoming (RGB, Component, etc) video signal immediately so those vertical lines in effect never existed in the first place. Basically instead of grabbing a 240p signal it’s like it would be grabbing a 120p signal but filling in the other 120p with emptyness.

          I’m guessing this still won’t work, but I just wanted to clarify my point.

          Gonna download 1.6 now. Those presets sound awesome!


            Wow, I’m amazed by Line6x. Great work! I’m mainly using “easy” sources, but I can’t remember SNES looking *that* clean through the OSSC. Thanks marqs!

            Regarding the 1.06 release notes I guess I’m a bit to late, but adding a VRR flag to the HDMI signal like Mister and RT5X have is out of the question? I’m having trouble syncing my NESRGB modded Famicom on my LG C1 in Line6x, that’s why I’m asking. Other modes work, of curse, so no huge issue there.

            • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by nrq.

              Hi Marqs, I thought I’d let you know that firmware 1.06 is working great on my OSSC 1.6 after doing the HW mod. The only things I noticed that weren’t working correctly was setting the sampling phase for optimised modes, and setting TX mode to YCbCr444 (limited range).

              The phase seems to only have 4 set values that you can cycle through regardless of changing it from 0-348 deg. And limited range now just displays a pink tint over the image.

              Also, setting the phase seems to be inconsistent and shifts from sharp to blurry at varying degrees when you change the horizontal backporch. I haven’t had a lot of time to test things thoroughly, but these are just a few things I noticed.

              I suppose the only other thing is that for Line6x you can’t select it using the hotkey for LINEMULT_MODE on the remote, so you have to go into the output settings instead, though that’s very minor.

              Edit: I think the phase isn’t being displayed correctly until you adjust the horizontal backporch, that’s why it seemed inconsistent. Though I have no idea why this is the case.

              I took two screenshots in Line6x of Spyro 1 running on my PS2 Slim as an example. In the first screenshot, I set the phase to 0 deg but you can see some faint artefacts. And then in the second screenshot, I adjusted the horizontal backporch (changing it to 89 and back to 88) and the artefacts are gone, with the phase set correctly. Which is odd, as the settings for both screenshots are exactly the same, so there shouldn’t be any differences between them – I never had this issue on the 0.90 firmware.

              Screenshot 1:

              Screenshot 2:


                Hello ! I’ve done the mod then updated yesterday and I’m amazed by the new results. I don’t use many sources, Amstrad CPCs, switched 2chip PAL Snes with sync on luma, and a switched PAL Megadrive 1 (On a 2560×1440 screen)

                The Snes in linex6 becomes slightly smaller but so outstanding. Before I had to switch profiles between 50hz and 60hz mainly to get another sampling phase setting, now this is just perfect..!
                And adding the pvm filter on top of it is very fun particularly in linex6 of course.

                I thought that update would resolve my only little issue that is about the infamous “crt tricks” on the Amstrad CPCs that makes the OSSC loses sync, when the screen :
                -Shakes up and down (Bubble Bobble, etc)
                -Collapses (Snaky, etc)
                -Horizontal scrolling of entire screen (Relentless, etc)
                Obviously these tricks are always at 50hz/fps. I tweaked and tried so much settings, fortunately this concerns very few titles and/or demos, so that’s mainly a thought and that’s all good.

                Thanks a lot for this very great update 🙂


                  Hey Marqs. The new mask presets are very intriguing. I tried them out however, and the end result I came up with was very unappealing and I’m pretty sure that I’m probably just not using them correctly.

                  Do you think you could post some base settings that you had in mind for using the masks? That way we have something we can work off of when trying them out.


                    I made the mod, worked fine, made this pictures on where to bridge solder:


                      • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by diablonet.

                        Hey Marqs. The new mask presets are very intriguing. I tried them out however, and the end result I came up with was very unappealing and I’m pretty sure that I’m probably just not using them correctly.

                        Do you think you could post some base settings that you had in mind for using the masks? That way we have something we can work off of when trying them out.

                        First of all what was your output resolution? For the masks to look good you really want to be 5x at the very least.

                        Secondly, you’ll want to add scanlines too for certain. Other than that there’s no real trick to them, you may just not like them as they still don’t look quite the same as a real CRT. Perhaps even 8k will be required for that. That said, I found them quite pleasing from a normal playing distance.


                          Regarding the 1.06 release notes I guess I’m a bit to late, but adding a VRR flag to the HDMI signal like Mister and RT5X have is out of the question? I’m having trouble syncing my NESRGB modded Famicom on my LG C1 in Line6x, that’s why I’m asking. Other modes work, of curse, so no huge issue there.

                          A VRR flag is technically possible but I doubt it would be any help without actual VRR output. Does your Famicom/NESRGB have dejitter mod and do you have similar issues with other 240p sources?

                          Also, setting the phase seems to be inconsistent and shifts from sharp to blurry at varying degrees when you change the horizontal backporch. I haven’t had a lot of time to test things thoroughly, but these are just a few things I noticed.

                          I suppose the only other thing is that for Line6x you can’t select it using the hotkey for LINEMULT_MODE on the remote, so you have to go into the output settings instead, though that’s very minor.

                          I’ll take a look into this soon.


                            hi everyone. the v1.x new firmware is only for audio boards? i have the dvi no audio ossc but i cant see a noaud fw version.

                            Also, do I have to flash first and mod later?


                              I dont know if this is the place to report bugs, but here I go, on fw 1.06 at 6x (I dont know other), the audio drops randomly, when I went back to fw 0.90 the audio works perfectly, any suggest??

                              Is it possible to add composite blend on RGB input??? that may be a nice feature combined with slot mask, thank you and good work Marqs.


                                hi everyone. the v1.x new firmware is only for audio boards? i have the dvi no audio ossc but i cant see a noaud fw version.

                                Good question actually, Marqs can the 1.5 DVI boards be modded and upgraded?

                                Also, do I have to flash first and mod later?

                                It doesn’t really matter what order you do it in.

                                I dont know if this is the place to report bugs, but here I go, on fw 1.06 at 6x (I dont know other), the audio drops randomly, when I went back to fw 0.90 the audio works perfectly, any suggest??

                                What console or source were you connecting to OSSC when this happened?


                                  The audio drop comes from NeoGeo AES.

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