Per Timing Sampling Phase

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  • #24541

      Recently I’ve been setting up my OSSC to get pixel perfect capture on every console, with the view to scale accurately in OBS.
      One of the biggest issues I’ve run into has been Sampling Phase, and it’s interactions with different resolutions.

      For example, 67deg is perfect for my GameCube at 480p, but is totally unusable for GBI in 320×240 mode which requires 0deg.
      This means that instead of being able to have a one size fits all “GC” profile, I have to have separate GC and GBI profiles. This seems silly when every setting aside from Sampling Phase is identical across both profiles.
      This is also the case for 240p/480i/480p generally with the GC as well, all three of them need slightly different sampling phases to look correct.

      Would it be possible to set Sampling Phase from within a specific Advanced Timing resolution?



        So … plus 2 then xD

        Click me!


          Haha, I didn’t notice that thread. I should be a bit more attentive =p


            Doesn’t hurt to have two feature request threads about this xD

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