Hi all. I am a speedrunner of classic games. Up until now, due to a lack of space, I was forced to use my LCD TV for gaming. In order to reduce the input lag caused by the LCD TV, I bought an OSSC and was very pleased with the result. The input lag was significantly decreased, but still my TV is causing some lag. I would like to get rid of this by using a CRT TV for speedrunning, but since conventional CRT TV’s (at least the ones that I can find in the neighborhood) are too big to fit in my room, I was planning on using a CRT PC monitor, that will fit on my desk. The only problem is that such monitors tend to only have VGA (RGBHV) input.
If I were to use the OSSC first, to convert the RGB SCART signal to a digital HDMI signal and then use (for example) the HDFury to convert the digital HDMI signal to an analog VGA signal, would I be able to directly connect this to a CRT PC monitor or is there something else I need to keep in mind using this setup? Also, will the result have the same input lag (i.e. very close to none) as playing on a CRT monitor directly, without the OSSC inbetween? Or is there any component within the setup that adds input lag that I need to take into account?
I hope you will be able to answer these questions!