I have one of the old RetroTinks, ordered sometimes in 2019 here. It produces a weird looking noise. Sort like as if water is flowing down a flat surface. Looks like waves to me. Not sure if I can photograph it properly. It’s relatively unnoticeable if I plug component, but more noticeable if I insert S-Video. Especially in some darker scenes it can be really distracting. I have several consoles using high quality S-Video cables including the original S-Video for PS1, so the cables isn’t an issue.
For a while I assumed it’s normal for RetroTink and tried to ignore it. After all it converts analog signals, there’s bound to be some noise. But recently a friend of mine bought RetroTink Mini to use for PS1. He doesn’t have similar patterns. His image is very clear. I wonder if my RetroTink must be faulty? Anybody have the same issue? Is there a fix that don’t involve picking up a new model?