SuperCIC++: controls not working with ntsc Super Star Wars games

NewHome Forums Repairs and Upgrades SuperCIC++: controls not working with ntsc Super Star Wars games

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      Friend of mine kindly installed the SuperCIC++ in my 1 chip snes. Everything works fine except with Super Star Wars ntsc games (all 3); tried both with super everdrive and with a real US version cartridge of super empire strikes back. Games plays intro and gets to main menu but Gamepad is not working at all. Tried both Pal controllers and Super famicom ones.

      Any ideas ? Is a US controller needed ?



        Strange… No issues with Super Star Wars here, SFC JR with SuperCIC++ and 8bit Duo gamepad.


          Thanks. Forgot to tell, my snes is PAL. Did some more testing and the issue is only with super Star Wars games and regardless of region of the games (tried out all games with Super Everdrive X5). Really strange. Maybe it’s an incompatibility of my specific snes mainboard.

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