NewHome Forums Repairs and Upgrades TMS-RGB V2 PAL Coleco

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  • #62429
    Paul Horton

      I’m having some issues installing these correctly.

      I’ve two boards, the first was working but with no red. After confirming my cable was good, by switching the red and green wires on the mod board, and checking the rf output still had red, I swapped the mod board. I get no image with the second one, so I swapped back to the first and that’s also now showing no image. RF output confirms console is booting.

      Checking my solder bridges, I notice that 5v and Red out are shorted on the first board, but not the second.

      Which is correct please?


      Paul Horton

        Any chance the 5v on the red has damaged the TMS?

        It’s odd that neither board is working now. I’ve still got an image over RF, although it’s terrible as it was before, I hope this means there’s no damage?


          Can you post some pictures of your installation?

          Paul Horton

            This is board without the short in place on the board



            Paul Horton

              This is the one that’s shorted. Still shorted even with everything disconnected


              Paul Horton

                Paul Horton

                  The way the light is catching that first photo looks like I’ve not soldered some of the vias, but I have

                  Paul Horton


                    The one that’s installed is now working. It had continuity before, but obviously not enough as a good reflow fixed it. Really pleased with the picture despite my temporary hack of a cable.

                    So, definitely not damaged the TRS and my cable is good.

                    I think I need to return the other board. I’ve removed my solder pads and jumpers and washed it, but the left side of R11 is still connected to VCC


                      Installation of this type of board does really need a fine tip iron with good technical skills

                      5v shorted to red indicates the red output was shorted or cabled up incorrectly causing the chip to fail.

                      The soldering in general concerns me, there appears to be pcb damage to the one board near the chip leg pads…

                      I assume you have insulated the rear of the board using Kapton tape to prevent short circuits to the pcb.


                      Sometimes before starting such an install its a good idea to research it online and pickup done tips, do’s and dont’s on the way.

                      But well done you got it working

                      Paul Horton

                        Yeah the back is insulated, the via on pin 23 already looked like that when it was new, and this cable is temporary and those joints will be re-flowed and shiny when the shielded cable arrives.

                        Are you saying there’s no returns on these boards?

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