WiiDual firmware update

NewHome Forums Repairs and Upgrades WiiDual firmware update

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      How would I go about updating the firmware on my wiidual?


        So, I found this link: https://twitter.com/citrus3000psi/status/1135344287699394560

        Still wondering if there is someway to update before I install the kit, but I’m going to assume the answer is “no” unless I hear otherwise.



          Still wondering if there is someway to update before I install the kit, but I’m going to assume the answer is “no” unless I hear otherwise.

          The tweet immediately following the one with photos says that the programmer should provide enough power to power the WiiDual board to flash the chip, so I would expect that you could perform the update before installation.


            Okay. Thanks. Super not used to absorbing info on twitter, so I just went straight to the youtube vid.

            I would also assume, based on the tweet, that I wouldn’t have to connect the ribbon cable, and I could just hook the programmer up to the main board and jump j1.

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