YPbPr SCART to component/VGA/HDMI?

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      Howdy – I picked up a YPbPr SCART lead for my original Xbox a few years ago (and yes I do mean YPbPr, one of these).

      It worked perfectly via my OSSC, but I’ve since got rid of that and connect direct via a capture box (Magewell USB AIO) that handles most inputs. Apart from SCART.

      Is there any relatively simple way of converting YPbPr (and not RGB) SCART to another thing, like VGA, component, or HDMI?

      I have a couple of pure component leads for the Xbox and they’re hot trash with way too much interference, so I’m looking for other options. Another thing I’ll do if there’s no easy way around this is convert an Xbox 360 component lead to be compatible with the original Xbox. But first I wanted to see if I had any options with the SCART lead.

      Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.


        Plug it into the OSSC to convert it to HDMI.

        To convert it to component, just use a breakout adapter – https://www.ebay.com/itm/321744637454


          As I said, I’ve got rid of my OSSC. That’s how I used to do it, so yes it would work. But I no longer have it, so need a different way of doing it.

          All breakout adapters specifically reference RGB video only, this cable I have is wired for YPbPr. Will they still work with that video format?


            Yes they will, YPbPr over scart uses the same pins as RGB.

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