More N64 replacement sticks in stock

n64-stick-smallWe have a small number of quality replacement N64 analogue sticks in stock. These sticks are exactly the same look and feel as the Nintendo originals. We’ve used them to refurbish our own N64 controllers and they work great, though obviously, just like the original part, we can’t guarantee that they will last forever. Fitting the sticks is extremely easy and requires no soldering. Simply open your N64 controller, carefully lever off the old joystick connector and unscrew, then replace with the new stick and reassemble.

If you’re not aware, the N64s controller sticks suffer from a design fault that means, over time, it becomes increasingly difficult, then impossible, to push the stick to its furthest extent. If you’ve been wondering why Mario or Yoshi won’t run any more, this is the reason why. Now there’s no need to send to a store in Hong Kong, you can get the sticks directly from us. Click here to visit our store.

Update – We’ve got a tiny number of these left with more on the way, grab them now if you want them!

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