Koryuu is back in stock!

Update – Koryuu is back in stock now – Click here to get one.

Koryuu, the popular composite and S-Video to component video transcoder is due to make a comeback. If everything goes according to plan, this useful little converter will be back in stock by late September 2022.

The Koryuu was initially conceived as a means to attach composite video or S-Video sources to the OSSC, which only supports RGB and component video out of the box. It works great for this task and it has also proven to be useful for all kinds of applications. Fans of classic CRT displays have been using the device to transcode video for use on professional video monitors that only support component and RGB natively. C64 fans have found that the Koryuu often produces better, cleaner results than the S-Video decoder in many CRT televisions.

We are regularly asked when the device will be back in stock, so we decided the time was right for another batch. While there were not any major shocks with the bill of materials, some price increases were unfortunately encountered, but we hope to keep the price rise around 5 euro per unit. This will depend on the final price factoring in a weak Euro and of course shipping and import fees.

As always we will announce on our social media feeds when the unit comes into stock, so be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr.

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