Reply To: I messed with settings I shouldn't have on the OSSC. Please Help. I'm a Moron.

NewHome Forums OSSC, OSSC Pro and DExx-vd isl OSSC – Discussion and support I messed with settings I shouldn't have on the OSSC. Please Help. I'm a Moron. Reply To: I messed with settings I shouldn't have on the OSSC. Please Help. I'm a Moron.


It’s not just default settings I’m after. I just want to get everything back the way it was out of the box before I screwed up and resetting the settings, as I’ve mentioned, isn’t helping. When I got my OSSC, and before I fucked up after flashing it with the latest firmware, I was able to use Line5x mode without image cutoff on both my LG TV(43LH590V) and my ACER monitor(can’t remember model. Gsomethingorother). Now that I have, even if I reset settings to default, it always seems to be cutting off part of the output, even in 1600×200 and 1900×200. Not only that, and I also mentioned this initially, the displayed output on any setting is all wavy(if I had to guess it’s a sync issue?), which it wasn’t before I screwed up. Whatever I have done isn’t being reset when I try resetting settings to default and it’s frustrating the absolute hell out of me trying to fix this. It doesn’t help that I’m utterly shite at trying to explain things either so that I can receive help.