OSSC Pro: Super Game Boy and Customizable Auto Scaling

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  • #62880
    ケイ | Cae

      Hello! I have two different features I would like to suggest be added to the OSSC Pro in a future firmware:

      1. Some way to make the game window in Super Game Boy fill the screen vertically. Currently, using the SNES 256×240 sampling preset for the Super Game Boy, the smallest size I can crop the image to is an active area of 200×160, which leaves a small amount of the border visible. If I could get the active area down to 160×144, that would crop out the border entirely while allowing the actual game image to fill the screen top to bottom. Alternatively, if a separate Super Game Boy sampling preset already cropped down to 160×144 were added, that would make things even easier.

      2. This one might be a little tricky to explain. In scaler mode, Auto setting for the scaling algorithm “uses Nearest for low-res sources and Lanczos3_sharp for med/high-res.” I would like to be able to set one scaling algorithm (besides Nearest) for low-res sources and another (besides Lanczos3_sharp) for med/high-res and have it swap scaling algorithms automatically based on resolution the way the Auto setting does, rather than having to change it manually based on the game I’m playing, or worse, what screen I’m on. Specifically, I want to use bilinear sharp scaling for 240p and bilinear scaling for 480i and up, but it would make sense to make both independently customizable to anything. Maybe this is something that could be incorporated into how the custom scaling algorithm setting works, similar to how the most recent update made it possible to use that to set different scaling algorithms for the horizontal and vertical axes.

      • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by ケイ | Cae.
      • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by ケイ | Cae.
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