OSSC + SNES dejitter mod +Sony 4K = Success!

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      I finally got my SNES (Japanese Super Famicom) working on my Sony 4K TV
      <img src="<img src=”https://i.ibb.co/6BDsvrr/IMG-0014.jpg&#8221; alt=”IMG-0014″ border=”0″ />” alt=”OSSC on Sony 4K” />

      It was a right pain but here are my settings in case anyone else has a sony 4k + SNES

      I did the de jitter mod and that helped but still kept loosing sync so not 100% sure if its needed without removing it (and i aint going to do that)
      Video LPF 16Mhz

      advanced 256×240 timing
      v synclean=3
      v backporch=14

      analog sync LPF=off
      analog sync Vth=146mv
      hsync tolerance=8.00
      vsync threshold=11.84
      H-PLL pre cost=2 lines
      H-PLL post cost=2 lines

      240p/288p proc=Line 5x
      Line 5x mode=256×240 optim
      Line 5x format=1920×1080
      256×240 aspect=8:7
      tx mode = HDMI
      HDMI ITC=On

      reverse lfp=3

      full tx setup=off
      av3 interlacefix=off


        I can’t wait to send my pal 60hz modded 1 chip snes for a de jitter mod so I can also play 16% faster

        I tried your setting but It ain’t working without the mod

        Al of sudden I don’t have sound anymore
        When I change the setting to factory it still won’t come back

        Can someone tell me what to do please


          @mistasparkaru You probably don’t have the mod wired properly for your RGB cable (c-sync, sync on luma or composite?). If that is the case, H-PLL post cost=2 lines would be a workaround for the wiring issue.


            It was working fine before so don’t think it’s the wiring

            I thought I set something wrong in the ossc but when I reset the settings to stock I still don’t have any sound

            I’m gonna order a super nt today
            Saw Verry good reviews

            I think it’s just a bit lame the ossc don’t support snes properly and also hooking up a Nes and n64 is a problem

            Mebe when the de-jitter mod is back in stock I will give it another go
            Until that time I can play on the super nt


              If you are still using the OSSC test firmware then you won’t have sound.


                Ah ok so that’s the sound problem
                So I just need to reinstall the latest firmware version then?


                  I did a firmware update install 0.82
                  Still no sound:-(
                  Everything else works (on 50hz)
                  Also my ps2 with rgb cable has no sound

                  Why is this all so complicated


                    I just tried another TV and it’s the same problem
                    No sound

                    But when I plug my snes rgb cable in tv it does give me sound

                    Is my ossc broken ?


                      Did you install 0.82 or 0.82-aud? Firmwares with the -aud suffix are the ones with audio support.


                        Yes thx i have sound again
                        I got the wrong one installed

                        Now it’s waiting for the de jitter mod getting back in stock


                          Looks currently in stock to me.


                            Snes de-jitter instalation service

                            When I click this it says item not in stock

                            Also I send a direct email and they were saying it will come back in 2019

                            So I just have to wait until I see its back available

                            Also I want to let my pal n64 modded so I can use rgb with that to

                            But I wonder if when I use a scart splitter and hook up rgb cables of my snes n64 and ps2 if they al run on the same settings as the snes takes a lot of adjustment in the ossc

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