I was hoping to get some ideas about what to do for my problem.
I am currently using this auto sensing a/v switcher to switch to whatever console I currently have turned on: https://usermanual.wiki/Radio-Shack/RadioShack151985UsersManual352677.1484721781.pdf
It’s great, works fast, and I haven’t had issues with it before with my other hdmi scaler.
However, it won’t work with the retro-tink. Whenever I hook up the s-video out to the retro-tink the screen will go black and every once in a while an image will flash on screen. While it’s doing this the input mode selector on the retro-tink will flash through the options.
I was thinking maybe getting a signal booster might help?
I found this cheap signal booster on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PAM076/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A6YHF9ZZJU41C&psc=1
I don’t mind buying it just to try it but I am worried that it could damage my retro-tink. It boosts the signal by a 2db gain.
Any help or advice would be appreciated, thanks!