hello, I have a VA1.8 board with fujitsu video chip, on the bottom it has this same capacitor, do you have to remove it forever?
In another vein, I am following the github tutorial: https://github.com/tianfeng33/triple-bypass-Version-2 and the RetroRGB one: http://retrorgb.com/assets/triplebypass/Genesis2_3BPv2_BottomInstall.zip
In one a SMD222 resistor appears near point R45, and in the other tutorial it says that it must be removed.
and then the jumpers theme, for 1.8 it is: 2, C, D-right and E
but there are 2 jumpers number 2. both?
I got one more scheme on reddit, and finally installed it, the image is clear, but the audio is not heard, where could the problem be?
thank you and i feel my terrible english