Category Archives: Retrogaming news

News from the world of retro gaming and collecting. Sorted by date, newest first.

Dreamcast GD-ROM emulation now a reality

Want to replace your Dreamcast consoles faulty GD-ROM drive with an SD card reader? Now you can!

Analogue Interactive take on the Nintendo NES

Could this new device be the ultimate NES/Famicom console?

Looking for a new gaming TV?

Sony's new W6 series might just be what you are looking for.

Datapath x4 Review

Over on, video-processor playboy Fudoh has just posted a review of an interesting bit of hardware.

Finally, an affordable NES RGB solution

the NESRGB board is an affordable RGB upgrade for the NES. No Playchoice PPU needed!

More Micomsoft information

Fudoh has posted a fantastic guide to the Micomsoft line of upscalers, where he details the strengths and weaknesses of each model.

Tototek joypad adaptors back in stock

Tototek have done another manufacturing run of their excellent value Playstation to retro console joypad [...]

XRGB-Mini FRAMEMEISTER reviewed and rated!

It’s finally here. The new XRGB videoprocessor/upscaler is now available. Video processing expert Fudoh has [...]

Premade pure sync cables at last!

Get your pure sync RGB cables here.


Dreamcast GD-ROM emulator project gaining momentum

A skilled hacker and electrical engineer who goes by the handle of OzOnE on the [...]